The Impact of Truck Accidents in Myrtle Beach: Statistics, Causes, and Consequences
Myrtle Beach, a famous tourist destination, has recently faced a concerning increase in truck accidents. Statistics reveal that year after year, the incidence of these accidents has grown, causing alarm among residents and visitors alike.
South Carolina police chief is shot in hand while performing gun maintenance
Charleston, SC - Any job that requires the use of guns or other weapons can potentially be dangerous. Even if an injury is self inflicted, it is certainly possible that a person who is working with a firearm may be hurt. Regardless of the reason…
Are ride sharing drivers in Charleston eligible for workers compensation?
Charleston, SC - Driving for a ride sharing company has become either a part time or full time job for many Americans in South Carolina and other states. However, if these people are ever injured while driving, they may face challenges trying…
Dangers of railroad industry are highlighted by national events
Charleston, SC - Workers in many different transportation industries are exposed to constant danger due to the possibility of an accident. However, some fields are more dangerous than others and employees should always be mindful of the risks…
North Charleston man killed by machines in car parts factory
Charleston, SC - Some industries where workers are constantly in contact with heavy machinery can be very dangerous. Just a minor mistake can have fatal results if the person is seriously hurt on the job. In these situations, the victim or their…
Young man sustains fatal injuries while helping build a new roller coaster
Charleston, SC - Jobs that involve moving any kind of heavy parts or equipment can be extremely dangerous. These kinds of workers are always exposed to the risk of being injured by some kind of machinery or large object when they least expect…
Workers were hurt after falling in chocolate factory
Charleston, SC - Many jobs have some kind of hazards that can result in injuries. Those who work in careers involving machinery and heavy industrial work are some of the most at risk employees, as injuries in these fields are common. If a workplace…
Charleston worker dies in shipyard accident
Charleston, SC - Some workplaces are extremely dangerous due to the use of various types of equipment and heavy machinery. These kinds of industrial workplaces are some of the most likely to have workers get seriously injured or killed. After…
South Carolina electrical worker sustains sudden fatal injuries
Charleston, SC - Workers compensation benefits are an important way for people to get financial assistance after an accident. They can provide lost wages, medical treatment costs, and even the costs of additional training if the recovery takes…
Construction worker dies from fatal jobsite accident in Carolinas
Charleston, SC - Certain industries such as construction work have a large number of accidents that happen every year. Workers in these high risk occupations should be sure to learn about their company’s workers compensation insurance and…